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20230324 Webinar: Go with the Workflow: NextflowDSL2 Basics
Build your own workflow management process webinar - 09/02/2022 4.00 PM
Go with Workflows | Walter Demian Schroeder | Conf42 Golang 2022
Module 6: Day 1_Part 1_Nextflow
GoLang #208 - Designing a Workflow Engine from First Principles
Introduction to Nextflow for Data Intensive Pipelines: Part 2
Translating workflows into Nextflow with Janis
Nextflow and nf-core Online Community Training - Session 3 (English)
Nextflow and nf-core Online Community Training - Session 2 (English)
[Phil Ewels] Reproducible bioinformatics for everyone: Nextflow and nf-core
Bioinformatics Club | 8.06 - Pipeline development